Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Soccer Disaster!

Some days are tougher than others in terms of being Liam's mom.  Today is one of those trying days when I wonder why on earth my kid is wired so differently from others.  We went to soccer practice which is always entertaining with three year olds.  Liam insisted on playing goalie and yelling out "Not Today!" as he blocked the other kids attempts.  Then when they practiced dribbling the ball around the field he would race back to the starting line and scream "I Win" over and over again.
The most amazing moment came at the end when they decided to have the kids play a little 3 on 3.  All Liam heard was take the ball away from the other team and score a goal.  In his head this translated to take it at all costs.  He ran over to this little boy and grabbed his jersey with both hands, threw the kid out of the way and took the ball down field to the goal.  The other little boy just sat down and cried.  His dad came over and I ran to apologize and to have a little talk with Liam about the rules.   I could not get Liam to apologize.  His dad told me that it was okay and that his kid needed to toughen up.  I was mortified!
I know that the next 15 years are going to be quite an adventure with my crazy kid.  Based on his behavior you would think that I spend everyday teaching him to talk trash and that there are no points for second place, but I swear that I am not that parent!  Please excuse me while I go read some more parenting books...