Friday, July 16, 2010

Jorie - The Little Monster in Liam's Pocket

My sister's two oldest boys, Marky and Jack, were in town last week. Liam loves to play with the boys even though he takes some abuse as the smallest. One day when we were over at Grammy Sue's Liam came crying to me two times for injuries; one large scratch from his nose down to his lip and another time he received a swift kick to the jaw. So when he came crying the third time I assumed it was more of the same - but this time it was a little different.

"Jack hurt my little monster!" Liam holds out an empty hand to me.

"Your monster?"

"Jorie, the little monster that lives in my pocket. Jack hit him and now he is hurt!" Liam is crying hysterically now - and its not at all fake - there are real tears.

After administering some monster medicine, and a little TLC, Jorie was "warm and safe" back in Liam's pocket. This was the first I'd heard of Jorie, but I've since kissed him goodnight and searched for him in the car.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I told you this was perfect blog content! I'm so excited to have another blogger friend!
