Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snakes and snails and drywall repairs!

I've said many times that parents of boys need to know how to repair drywall.  Every man I've ever met has confirmed that they have caused a hole in the wall at some point in their lives.  So for those keeping track - this is Liam's second such accident and he is only three.   All I did was let him go to the bathroom by himself and then seconds later I heard a loud crash.  Apparently he was trying to swing from the towel rack:

Drywall chips on the floor

Damaged Towel Rack
Hole in the wall left by anchor




I thought this video was really funny because Liam sat down next to her and they were watching tv together.  It was such a cute image and then she reached over and grabbed his hair and just yanked!  I can see now that Charlotte will hold her own.

1 comment:

  1. Ha - maybe if you guys built him a giant play area of his own, he wouldn't have to swing on the towel bar... Oh wait...
